
Listing content is provided by third parties. Inclusion in the listings does not entail WKRAC endorsement of the event.
Also note that, in most circumstances, content will only appear a maximum of three months before the listed event.

All Day

Artist Galadriel Watson at Kootenay Co-op Café

Kootenay Co-op Café 777 Baker Street, Nelson

Linocut prints from artist Galadriel Watson will be on display for purchase at Kootenay Co-op Café in Nelson for the month of June. Galadriel’s linocut prints explore the power of […]

Free Cinematography and Hand-Processing Workshop

The Capitol Theatre 421 Victoria Street, Nelson

Kootenay Moving Pictures in partnership with the Capitol Theatre in Nelson and Vancouver’s Echo Park Center North are pleased to offer a celluloid weekend including a free cinematography and hand-processing […]


Ebb & Flow

Brilliant Cultural Centre 1876 Brilliant Road, Castlegar

Join the Twin Rivers Community Choir for an evening of music and song, with Ebb & Flow! See poster for details! Adults $15 (in advance) / $20 at the door […]