
Listing content is provided by third parties. Inclusion in the listings does not entail WKRAC endorsement of the event.
Also note that, in most circumstances, content will only appear a maximum of three months before the listed event.

All Day

Artist Galadriel Watson at Kootenay Co-op Café

Kootenay Co-op Café 777 Baker Street, Nelson

Linocut prints from artist Galadriel Watson will be on display for purchase at Kootenay Co-op Café in Nelson for the month of June. Galadriel’s linocut prints explore the power of […]

Tea & Textiles

J.B. Fletcher Store Museum 3602 Sutton Street, Ainsworth

The J.B. Fletcher Museum in Ainsworth will be hosting gatherings for fibre enthusiasts and tea lovers to come and work on their knitting, crochet, embroidery, and spinning projects while connecting […]



Jam Factory Co-working Space 303 Vernon St., Nelson

Bring a friend to another FUN night for Producers, Beatmakers, and Electronic Music Composers to jam and hang! (and eat snacks) WHAT IS IT? It’s a night of collaboration games […]


Weekly Tango Mini Lesson & Practice

Christie Lee’s Hall 807-703 Radio Ave, Nelson

Want to learn and practice dancing Argentine Tango? We host a weekly mini-lesson and practica at Christie Lee’s Hall in Fairview. The guided portion from 7:30-8:15 has a different host […]
