
Listing content is provided by third parties. Inclusion in the listings does not entail WKRAC endorsement of the event.
Also note that, in most circumstances, content will only appear a maximum of three months before the listed event.

All Day

Castlegar Sculpturewalk Self-guided Walking Tour

Begins at Kootenay Market Plaza, 600 block, Columbia Ave. Castlegar

Enjoy a self-guided walking tour with our map/brochure of sculptures created by local, regional, and national artists. Vote for your favourite!

Youthful Seniors Art & Music Classes – Nelson Studio 88

Nelson Studio 88 402 Victoria St., Nelson, BC

At Nelson Studio 88, we believe in the transformative power of creativity for all ages. Our adult and youthful seniors classes are designed for life long learners that are looking […]

Weave a Portrait with Carl Stewart

The Arts Station Fernie

Carl Stewart is an artist living in Ottawa. He has an extensive repertoire of works created for solo and group exhibitions in Canada and the US.Using a photograph or other […]