Send us your story ideas and events!

Send us your story ideas and events!

Send us your story ideas and events!

It may be the depths of summer—but it’s time to start thinking about the fall issue of ARTiculate magazine. We need two things from you:

1: Your content ideas

Send us your pitches:
•    by Wednesday, July 26, 2023
•    to Margaret Tessman, Editor, at [email protected]

We’ll assign the articles to writers, so don’t send completed stories, please. Just send a quick email with the who, what, when, where and why of your idea or news item, and who the contact person is. Also briefly explain why you think this story would be of interest to a broad range of readers.

We’re on the lookout for information about interesting people, timely happenings or community news, with a focus on the arts, culture and heritage of the East and West Kootenays and Columbia Basin. 

We’re also interested in tips on new releases of books, films and music to include in our “New and Noteworthy” review section.

The next issue will be distributed in early October 2023 and covers events through May 2024, so take that into consideration when submitting your ideas. 

2: Your events listings

ARTiculate includes listings of local arts, culture and heritage events; this issue will cover items from October 2023 to May 2024. To have your event considered for publication, submit it for free by Friday, August 11, 2023, to our online events calendar.

Ask about our competitive rates to feature your business in this widely read publication, all while helping to support news focusing on our arts, culture and heritage community. ARTiculate is distributed to cultural venues like theatres, bookstores and galleries, as well as to hotels, cafés and many other high-traffic locations. Email to learn more: [email protected]

We are always on the lookout for writers to take on story assignments. Interested? Send us an expression of interest and a brief writing sample and we will reply with a copy of our editorial guidelines. Pssst: We pay our contributors!

NOTE: To continue receiving notifications about calls for ARTiculate content in the future, please make sure to sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.