Planning for the future to help arts, culture and heritage thrive

<strong>Planning for the future to help arts, culture and heritage thrive</strong>

Planning for the future to help arts, culture and heritage thrive

We have a new strategic plan!

In 2022, we consulted with the arts, culture and heritage community through an online survey and one-on-one interviews. Thank you to everyone who participated! Our board and staff also provided their input—and our consultant neatly wrapped all feedback into a well-thought-out plan that will guide us from 2023 to 2026.

Our vision is to see the West Kootenay Regional Arts Council act as a catalyst to build capacity in the creative ecology so that arts, culture and heritage thrive throughout the region. We do this by assisting those involved in arts, culture and heritage so they can carry out their activities more effectively through support like training, consultation and communication about resources available throughout the region and province.

Our ambitions are as follows:

  1. We are the convenor/connector for the regional cultural sector.
  2. We offer a comprehensive suite of programs and services that strengthen the regional arts community. 
  3. The Kootenay region is a source of world-class arts and culture.

We will embody the values of:

  • adaptability
  • collaboration
  • connection
  • equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility
  • sustainability.