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Online Portrait Painting Workshop with Kristy Gordon
January 27, 2023–January 28, 2023

Kristy Gordon online Portrait Painting Workshop – via Zoom, January 27 – 28, 10:00 – 4:00 Cost: $215.00 Hello fellow painters! Register soon if you are interested in participating in Kristy Gordon’s online portrait painting workshop, to be offered January 27 and 28 from 10:00 – 4:00. Registration closes this Friday January 20. Kristy is an internationally renowned artist who divides her time between Nelson and New York. To hold your place in the workshop please contact Ilse Murray at [email protected]. Below is Kristy’s description for the workshop: “This online workshop will guide students of all levels through the creation of a well-structured alla prima portrait painting with convincing flesh tones. We will begin by discussing comparative measuring, to get accurate proportions in the underpainting. Then we will move to colour and concentrate on how to render form and construct the features. Participants can use any medium they like in this course. Kristy will be doing the demo in oils and will provide a suggested supplies list for those interested in using oils. By the end of the course students will have a painting that they’re proud of as well as a solid understanding of how to mix colours. The class will include demonstrations, discussions and individual instruction and feedback. The beginner will learn fundamental principles such as how to mix colours and render form modelling. The more advanced student will discover how to take their work to the next level and achieve the finish that they desire.” This workshop is partially funded by the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance. For further information check out the Events and Workshops page on the West Kootenay chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artist website at