Columbia Basin Trust Arts and Culture Grant Programs
Managed by the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance
Below is a list of questions about funding delivered through CKCA, as well as tips on how to make your application stronger.
- When is funding available?
- I have an idea for an arts and culture project. How do I know if it is eligible for CKCA funding?
- I have reviewed funding information online and I am not sure which program my project idea fits into.
- How do I prepare for a grant consultation call?
- Do I have to be a resident within a certain geographical area to apply for CKCA funding?
- How do I apply for funding?
- How do I submit an application?
- Does “not eligible” or “declined” mean my project idea is not good?
- Can I include a capital expense in my project application if CKCA is not funding that aspect of the project?
- Can I include an ineligible activity/expense within my project application if CKCA is not funding that aspect of the project?
- Can I apply to more than one CKCA funding program?
- I received funding last year / a couple of years ago. Am I eligible to apply again?
- I received funding for a project that I have completed. If I want to undertake this same type of project again, is it eligible for funding?
- I have a large-scale, multi-year project that extends past the deadline for the program we are eligible within. Is this project not eligible for funding?
- I have a great idea for an art project/event that will be used as a fundraiser for a really worthy cause. Is this eligible for CKCA funding?
- We are a non-profit organization and need funds for ongoing operational expenses. Is this eligible for CKCA funding?
- I want to create a brochure (or a website) to market myself or my work. Is this eligible for CKCA funding?
- My arts and culture project has social, environmental, heritage (or other non-arts and culture) themes. Is it eligible for CKCA funding?
- Where can I find a full list of ineligible requests?
- How can I improve my chances at writing a great application?
Submitting the Application (CLICK HERE TO JUMP TO THIS SECTION)
- How do I identify my local arts council for Community Grants?
- What are the funding application deadlines?
- Can I have someone from CKCA look over my application before I submit it? Once my application is submitted, will someone contact me if there is an error in the application?
- I have something to add to my application, but I already submitted it. Help!
- Can I submit my application via email or fax?
- I’m mailing a hard copy application. Is the deadline a “postmark” deadline?
- How will I know whether my application has been received?
- Does CKCA allow deadline extensions?
Adjudication Process and Results (CLICK HERE TO JUMP TO THIS SECTION)
- How long until I know the outcome of my application?
- How are applications assessed?
- Can I get feedback on my application?
- Can I find out who was approved for CKCA (and/or Trust) funding?
Grant Awards and Reporting (CLICK HERE TO JUMP TO THIS SECTION)
- My grant was approved. What next?
- How do I submit the required documents?
- I can’t find my paperwork!
- How do I claim the grant on my income tax?
- What is the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance (CKCA)?
How to Apply
When is funding available?
Generally, funding is approved on an annual basis by Columbia Basin Trust. Funding applications are adjudicated once a year. CKCA funding programs are usually launched in January, with application deadlines in February or March to fund projects starting in June of that same year. Funding is not guaranteed; programs, policies, guidelines and eligibility criteria are subject to change until the time the programs are launched.
I have an idea for an arts and culture project. How do I know if it is eligible for CKCA funding?
Review the funding program information here to decide which program best fits your project idea. To be eligible for CKCA grants, the primary emphasis of project proposal must be arts and culture. Projects cannot start until June 1 of the year in which you are applying. For further details about eligibility requirements, read the Primary Funding Policies document, which outlines general policies and guidelines applicable to all CKCA programs. Once you have read this, also review the guidelines for the program you are interested in.
I have reviewed funding information online and I am not sure which program my project idea fits into.
Some projects may appear to fit within more than one funding program. Contact CKCA staff to discuss your project and they can provide further advice.
How do I prepare for a grant consultation call?
Prepare with basic information about your project, such as what the project idea is; who is applying/managing/involved in it; the project start and end dates; and the size of the budget, general expenses and sources of revenues.
Do I have to be a resident within a certain geographical area to apply for CKCA funding?
Yes. You must be a resident of the Columbia Basin Trust region. This area includes all communities within the area roughly bounded by Valemount, Revelstoke, Rossland, Creston, Sparwood and Golden. See our map for details.
How do I apply for funding?
Complete and submit an online application for the program you wish to apply for before the appropriate funding deadline.
How do I submit an application?
As of 2025, we are using a new grant software called Good Grants for all applications. If you have previously received grants from CKCA, your information has not been transferred to the new software. You will need to set up a brand new account within Good Grants in order to apply.
All CKCA applications are submitted through this online portal. It is advisable to create an account, log in, draft and submit your application well in advance of the deadline, as applications will not be accepted past that date.
If you do not have access to a computer (for example: a public library or community support organization), contact the CKCA office at least 10 days prior to the deadline for assistance.
It is important to read Good Grants’ application instructions when starting your application.
If adding external attachments to your application, be sure to save, close and re-open your attachments to check them before uploading to ensure they are not blank or corrupted. Not all attachments can be accepted: there are size and format limitations for uploaded attachments.
Does “not eligible” or “declined” mean my project idea is not good?
No. The CKCA has specific guidelines and eligibility criteria for each program. If a project does not meet the requirements of a program, it does not necessarily mean that the project isn’t worthwhile. Projects are declined for many reasons: eligibility issues or technical errors within the application; unclear explanations of the who, what, when, where, why and how of your project, which may make it less compelling than the applications it is competing against; a poor fit in terms of the arts and culture focus of CKCA and the program it has been submitted to; not enough funds available to fund all eligible, worthy projects, meaning that difficult choices had to be made by the adjudicating committee.
Can I include a capital expense in my project application if CKCA is not funding that aspect of the project?
In most programs, projects that include capital expenses or activities are not eligible for funding; in these programs, do not include capital activities within the scope of your project. If you include capital expenses within non-capital projects, the entire project will not be eligible for funding. In Major Projects and Arts Evolution, capital expenses may be included in the application budget up to a total of 20% of the amount requested from CKCA. The Minor Capital program is specifically designed to support capital projects.
Can I include an ineligible activity/expense within my project application if CKCA is not funding that aspect of the project?
No. If you include things that are ineligible within the scope of the project application, the entire application will be considered ineligible.
Can I apply to more than one CKCA funding program?
If you have clearly separate projects—for example: capital construction, research activities and an exhibition—yes, it is acceptable to apply to different programs for different projects. To confirm that your activities are clearly separate projects, schedule a consultation with the CKCA office to discuss your specific case.
I received funding last year / a couple of years ago. Am I eligible to apply again?
Yes, you can apply for funding to support a new project, as long as your previous project is either completed, or on track for completion, and your reporting is not late.
I received funding for a project that I have completed. If I want to undertake this same type of project again, is it eligible for funding?
Funding is designed to support projects. Funding is not available for regular operating costs or existing deficits. CKCA may consider funding the same type of project again in subsequent years, but this does not guarantee funding for the subsequent year. Applicants must apply again the subsequent year and compete for funding through the regular adjudication process. If the project has a new aspect, new component or expanded/changed activities that are different in scope from the previously funded project, it is important to state that in your application as it will help the committee assess the project.
I have a large-scale, multi-year project that extends past the deadline for the program we are eligible within. Is this project not eligible for funding?
Projects that are large in scope may be eligible for funding if it is the kind of project where it can be split into phases: year 1 / phase 1; year 2 / phase 2; etc. Each phase would be treated as a separate project and the application should only describe the activities and budget that fall within the eligible timeframe for the year the application is being submitted in. Be aware that receiving funding for phase 1 in no way guarantees funding for any phase beyond that. Funding is awarded annually and you must apply for phase 2 again as a separate project. In addition, funding programs, policies and guidelines are subject to change from year to year, so even if your activity is eligible this year, this does not guarantee future eligibility.
I have a great idea for an art project/event that will be used as a fundraiser for a really worthy cause. Is this eligible for CKCA funding?
No, fundraisers are not eligible for funding.
We are a non-profit organization and need funds for ongoing operational expenses. Is this eligible for CKCA funding?
No. CKCA funding is project-based: a project is a planned activity (or group of activities) that has a defined budget, is undertaken over a specific time period (with a start and end date) and is meant to achieve an intentional purpose/outcome, of which the primary focus must be arts and culture. This means CKCA will not fund ongoing general operational expenses, only expenses attached to a specific project.
I want to create a brochure (or a website) to market myself or my work. Is this eligible for CKCA funding?
No. CKCA will only fund the development and production of marketing, advertising and promotional materials as part of a larger arts and culture project, not as a standalone project. This means that if you have a project that is eligible for funding (for example, creating a body of work for exhibition, recording/touring a CD, publishing/touring a book, creating/touring a theatre production), you may, as part of that project, promote the work being exhibited/toured/presented to the public so there is an audience for your funded art project.
My arts and culture project has social, environmental, heritage (or other non-arts and culture) themes. Is it eligible for CKCA funding?
The primary purpose of CKCA grants is to enhance Basin residents’ access to, and enjoyment of, arts and culture. While the subject matter of arts and culture projects may touch on a wide range of themes, the primary outcome of the project must be the creation, presentation or exhibition of arts and culture activity.
Where can I find a full list of ineligible requests?
See the current Primary Funding Policies document for a full list of ineligible requests.
How can I improve my chances at writing a great application?
- Read the Primary Funding Policies carefully.
- Start the application early so you are not rushed.
- Take care when completing the application questions; answer the key points but be succinct (explain who, what, when, where, why and how).
- Use the checklist on the application to double-check your work.
- Ask someone to read through your application; if they are unclear or confused about what you are doing or why it is important, the committee probably will be too.
- Double-check your budget to ensure revenues and expenses balance.
- Contact staff if you have questions about your project’s eligibility or the application process.
- Consider attending one of the CKCA Q&A sessions.
Submitting the Application
How do I identify my local arts council for Community Grants?
A list of arts councils and their CKCA funding jurisdictions is available here, or you can call or email the CKCA office for guidance.
Normally you will indicate your local arts council (based on your home address). A possible exception might be if the project will take place in or benefit a different Basin community (e.g. a mural in a different town). In this case, you should indicate the arts council in the area benefiting from the project and where all (or most of) the project activities will take place.
What are the funding application deadlines?
Application deadlines differ depending on the program. Deadlines can be found within each program on the Funding page.
Can I have someone from CKCA look over my application before I submit it? Once my application is submitted, will someone contact me if there is an error in the application?
No, CKCA staff do not have the capacity to review applications. If you have questions about your application or budget prior to submission, schedule a grant consultation call. (Note: consultation calls can only be scheduled up to one week prior to grant deadlines.) Receiving advice from CKCA staff in no way guarantees approval of your application, nor guarantees your application is free of errors or issues that could affect eligibility. All funding recommendations are made by the CKCA steering committee and approved by the Trust.
I have something to add to my application, but I already submitted it. Help!
Our Good Grants application portal allows you to update your application up until the deadline, even if the application has already been submitted.
Can I submit my application via email or fax?
No. Emailed or faxed applications will not be accepted for funding.
I’m mailing a hard copy application. Is the deadline a “postmark” deadline?
No. All application deadlines are “received by” deadlines. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted for funding, regardless of the reason (for example: mail delay.)
How will I know whether my application has been received?
You will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive this email, then CKCA has not received your application. Online applications in draft form will not be considered for funding, so ensure you submit the application through the online portal well in advance of the funding deadline.
Does CKCA allow deadline extensions?
No. CKCA does not allow deadline extensions, regardless of the reason for the late submission (for example: mail delay, website or application portal issues, internet service outage, power outage, computer issues). Applications and supporting documents must be submitted and received prior to the appropriate funding deadline. Applicants assume the entire risk that the complete application is received before the deadline.
Adjudication Process and Results
How long until I know the outcome of my application?
Adjudication results will be mailed or emailed to you within 16 weeks of your program deadline. Your project may begin on or after June 1 of the funding year; however, you assume the financial risk of beginning your project before being notified of the funding results. CKCA assumes no risk or responsibility of any impacts on your project due to the timing of adjudication results.
How are applications assessed?
For Community Grants, each arts council in the Basin gathers a local adjudicating committee to review the applications benefiting its community. These local assessors make funding recommendations consistent with CKCA and Trust criteria, recommending projects on the basis of community benefit and application strength and quality. Next, the CKCA steering committee (made up of individuals nominated by arts councils across the Basin) reviews recommendations and makes final recommendations based on available funds. Finally, the Trust reviews and approves recommendations for funding.
All other programs’ applications are assessed by the CKCA steering committee, which makes funding recommendations on the basis of community benefit, application strength and quality, and available funds. The Trust reviews and approves final recommendations for funding.
Can I get feedback on my application?
After receiving your results, you can contact the CKCA office to schedule a telephone or video appointment to receive feedback on your application. Feedback appointments will become available within three months of the adjudication meeting. Feedback regarding your application is a service provided to assist you in the future with the application process. It is not intended as an opportunity to dispute the decision. Bullying or abusive behaviours directed toward staff or volunteers will not be tolerated. Respect that funding decisions will not be overturned.
Can I find out who was approved for CKCA (and/or Trust) funding?
Yes. Projects approved for CKCA funding are listed by year online. In addition, the Trust has an online searchable database of projects approved for all Trust funding, including that administered by CKCA. Visit
Grant Awards and Reporting
My grant was approved. What next?
Keep an eye out for your funding agreement, which outlines your payment schedule and reporting requirements. This agreement must be signed and returned to CKCA before any payments can be made.
I can’t find my paperwork!
If you applied online, the documents are available to you inside your account in Good Grants. Search your email and online account before contacting the office. If you can’t find your documents, CKCA staff can locate copies of them; allow a few days for staff to fulfill this request.
How do I claim the grant on my income tax?
As receiving a CKCA grant has different income tax implications for everyone, CKCA can’t provide advice on this issue. Rather, you should consult a financial advisor to determine how the grant will impact your personal or business income taxes. CKCA does not issue T4 slips for grant payments.
About CKCA
What is the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance (CKCA)?
The Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance (CKCA) is a project of the West Kootenay Regional Arts Council that is funded by Columbia Basin Trust. CKCA supports arts and culture projects of all disciplines, for both individuals and arts and culture organizations.